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Sleeping Giant Brewing Co. does not guarantee the delivery time of any order. Orders must be paid in full before they are shipped to their destination.
We offer flat rate shipping across Canada (beer can only be shipped within Ontario). Our flat rate shipping is based on 1 case of 24 cans or 1 case of 12 bottles (purchases of more than 24 cans or 12 bottles will be subject to additional charges). The courier will be chosen based on the delivery address. Please note that tracking information is not available for all items.
Beer will only be delivered to a person 19 years of age or older, in Ontario, who is not intoxicated. It is your responsibility to be at the delivery address to receive your shipment. Due to provincial laws and regulations, beer cannot be shipped outside of Ontario.
We aim to package your shipping orders as securely as possible, however, bumps happen along the way. Please contact us if any damages occur and we will refund the affected products.
In Store: We accept all exchanges/returns for store credit on merchandise through our retail store for up to one year from purchase, as long as the products have not been washed or worn.
Shipping: We accept merchandise exchanges for shipping orders. The customer is responsible for the return shipping costs and the item will be shipped out once original has been received by SGBC.
We do not accept exchanges/returns on food items.
Please contact the brewery for any inquiries on beer exchanges and/or returns.